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Plastering work in Astana

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'Plastering work' in Астана city

What does the plastering service in Astana usually include?

Plastering services in Astana include surface preparation, applying plaster to level walls and ceilings, and finishing. Specialists can use various types of plaster depending on client preferences and room characteristics.

Why should you choose inDrive.Services for plastering in Astana?

By choosing inDrive.Services, you gain access to experienced specialists who are verified and offer competitive prices. You can negotiate the price and schedule directly with the specialist, giving you control over the process.

What is the price of plastering services in Astana?

The price of plastering services in Astana varies depending on the scope and complexity of the work. The average cost starts at 1,000 KZT per square meter.

How long does plastering work take in Astana?

The time required for plastering work depends on the surface area and complexity. It usually takes from several days to a week.

Can I order wall painting services after plastering in Astana?

Yes, after completing the plastering work, you can order wall painting services to complete your room renovation in a short time.
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