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Furniture repair and assembly in Караганда

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4.3 of 5
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‘Furniture repair and assembly’ in Караганда

Нуржол М.

1 review
1 order
ID verified
Всё мебелей
профессионалды мебельщик весь инструменттер собои был красавчик просто
Марат Ерасыл, 18 days ago


367 reviews
622 orders
ID verified
пришёл во время. сделал все замечательно. спасибо большое!!!
Светлана Клим, 20 days ago

Нурбакыт А.

418 reviews
540 orders
ID verified
Опыт работы в электрике 3 год. Монтаж,ремонт,столб залезать,автоматы поменять и диагностика,счётчики поменяю. Мебель опыт работы 1 год. Сборка отбивать,разобрать и собрать. Схема нарисую. Сантехника опыт работы 2 год. Раковина,унитаз,смеситель,черновой монтаж.
Супер. Мастер своего дела. Мне понравилась. Все акуратно и чётко сделал. Спасибо вам. Советую всем...
Аягоз Дарханбаева, 21 days ago
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'Furniture repair and assembly' in Караганда city

What furniture assembly and manufacturing services can be found in Karaganda through inDrive.Services?

You can find a wide range of services, including furniture assembly from ready-made kits, custom furniture manufacturing according to your design, as well as repair and modification of existing furniture.

What is the process of ordering furniture assembly and manufacturing services through inDrive.Services?

The ordering process is simple and convenient:
  • Select the service on our website.

  • Fill out a brief form with details of your request.

  • Submit it and start receiving offers from specialists within just 5 minutes*

  • Choose the most suitable specialist based on ratings, reviews, profiles, and the proposed price.

Can I choose a furniture assembly and manufacturing master based on their qualifications and experience?

Yes, you can choose masters based on their ratings, reviews, portfolios, and prices to ensure their qualifications and experience in the field of furniture assembly and manufacturing.

What are the average rates for furniture assembly and manufacturing services in Karaganda through inDrive.Services?

Rates may vary depending on the complexity of the work and the scope of the project, but usually range from 2000 to 6000 tenge per hour.

Can I order furniture assembly or manufacturing for a specific date and time?

Yes, inDrive.Services offers a flexible working schedule, and you can arrange for a specific date and time with the specialist who suits you best.

How can I be sure that my order will be completed with quality and on time?

inDrive.Services verifies all specialists offering their services on our platform, and we also provide the opportunity to leave reviews and ratings after the order is completed.

What advantages does inDrive.Services offer for furniture assembly and manufacturing?

Advantages include quick access to qualified specialists, a convenient ordering and payment system, guaranteed quality and safety of services, as well as flexible working schedules and competitive prices.

How can I contact inDrive.Services for further questions or support?

You can contact our support service by phone or submit a request through the feedback form on our website for any assistance or consultation.
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