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Electricians in Кокшетау

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4.5 of 5
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‘Electricians’ in Кокшетау

Марат Т.

2 reviews
2 orders
ID verified
Доставка по городу
Прекрасный мастер. Очень быстро приехал. Все сделал. Вме работает! Огромное спасибо! Молодец!!!
Алма Нурлановна Шолакова, 8 days ago

Асланбек Т.

10 reviews
13 orders
ID verified
Подсобное работы опыт 15 лет
супер мастер. оперативно приехал, быстро подключил все провода.
Камран Назиров, 6 days ago

Нурбакыт А.

418 reviews
540 orders
ID verified
Опыт работы в электрике 3 год. Монтаж,ремонт,столб залезать,автоматы поменять и диагностика,счётчики поменяю. Мебель опыт работы 1 год. Сборка отбивать,разобрать и собрать. Схема нарисую. Сантехника опыт работы 2 год. Раковина,унитаз,смеситель,черновой монтаж.
Отлично,все сделал, аккуратный и вежливый специалист.Немногослоавен. Свое дело знает. Рекомендую
Айгуль Суесинова, 8 days ago
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'Electricians' in Кокшетау city

How can I hire an electrician through inDrive.Services in Kokshetau?

Finding a professional electrician through inDrive.Services is easy:
  • Go to the inDrive.Services website.

  • Choose the category "Repairs and Construction" and select the service "Electricians" within it.

  • Fill out the form describing your problem or task.

  • Send the request and start receiving offers from qualified specialists within just 5 minutes*.

Can I trust electricians in Kokshetau offered through inDrive.Services?

Yes, you can trust the electricians available on our platform. We conduct thorough checks on each electrician, including verifying their documents. Additionally, you can rely on ratings and reviews from previous clients to make the right choice.

What are the average rates for electrician services in Kokshetau?

The cost of electrician services in Kokshetau can vary depending on the complexity of the task and the duration of work. On average, rates range from 4000 to 10000 tenge per hour.

Can I leave a review about the work of an electrician after the completion of the order?

Yes, you can leave a review about the work of an electrician on our platform. We value your opinion and use feedback to improve the quality of services provided.

Can I hire an electrician for urgent work?

Yes, many electricians available on our platform can take on urgent orders. When filling out the request, specify the urgency of the task, and we will try to offer you a suitable specialist.
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