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Cleaning in Актобе

How it
Average price for this service
 8,500 —  11,000
Average rating of specialists for this service
4.2 of 5
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‘Cleaning’ in Актобе

Гүлім Т.

3 reviews
3 orders
ID verified
Уборка квартир и домов Генеральная уборка Влажная уборка Уборка после квартирантов Уборка после дезинфекции Уборка после ремонта Работаем на совесть Весь инвентарь средства приносим с собой
Гүлім сізге көп рақмет! Керемет таза етіп жинап берді! Келесіде міндетті түрде сізді шақырамын
Зауреш, 8 days ago

Нуршат А.

4 reviews
9 orders
ID verified
Опыт работы 5 лет,работаю на совесть,чисто,аккуратно
Девушки очень хорошо работают,чисто аккуратно быстро,не конфликтные,все аппараты для уборки есть,молодцы
Жанат Батырбеков, 3 days ago

Меруерт А.

8 reviews
11 orders
ID verified
Уборка квартира. после ремонт уборка эмуляция катать шкурка по краска сварка.уборка коттедж.окна помыть все инвентарь есть. Т.Д Бригада бар опыт работа 6 жыл уборка шкафа,чистка холодильника, чистка духовки,чистка балкона,чистка микраволновки, чистка штор,бари озимизден средство пылесос параген стремянка бар
Меруерт сізге көп рақмет таза тиянақты жинап бердіңіздер жұмысыңыз алға баса берсін
Гүлім Турғынғожа, 11 days ago
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'Cleaning' in Актобе city

What cleaning services are offered in Aktobe?

Cleaning services in Aktobe cover a wide range of needs for both residential and commercial spaces. This includes regular cleaning, deep cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning, post-construction cleaning, office cleaning, and more.

Why should I choose professional cleaning services in Aktobe?

We prioritize excellence in customer service and ensure that our cleaning professionals are thoroughly vetted and trained to deliver high-quality service. By choosing professional cleaning services, you can save time, ensure a thorough clean, and enjoy a healthier living or working environment.

How do I hire a cleaning service in Aktobe?

Hiring a cleaning service in Aktobe is simple and convenient:
  • Fill out a quick form on our website or in the inDrive.Services category of inDrive App.

  • Start receiving specialists' proposals in just 5 minutes* after publishing the order

  • Contact the chosen specialist directly via WhatsApp or by phone to discuss details of your order.

What are the payment options for cleaning services in Aktobe?

All payments go directly from the client to the specialist. You can choose to pay by cash, bank transfer, or any other convenient method for you and the specialist.

Can I schedule cleaning services for specific dates and times?

Yes, you can schedule cleaning services for any date and time that is convenient for you. Whether you need a one-time cleaning or regular cleaning appointments, there are specialists who are ready to help you with your request at the preferred time for you.

Can I request additional cleaning services not included in the standard package?

Yes, you can customize your cleaning package to include any additional services you may need. Simply let specialists know your requirements in the order form,

How do I provide feedback about the cleaning service?

We welcome feedback from our clients and strive to continually improve our services. If you have any feedback or concerns about the cleaning service, please don't hesitate to contact us directly. We will address your concerns promptly and work to resolve any issues to your satisfaction.

Are there any benefits of finding specialists using inDrive.Services?

Here are benefits of using inDrive.Services to find cleaning service professionals:
  • Streamlined ordering: Say farewell to lengthy processes. With inDrive.Services, all it takes is a simple form to submit your request for a painter service.

  • Swift responses from specialists: We value your time. In just 5 minutes* after submitting your order, you'll begin receiving proposals from specialists.

  • Informed decision: Choose a painter based on their ratings, reviews, portfolios, or competitive pricing. Our platform empowers you to make well-informed decisions.

  • Verified experts: Your safety is a top priority for us. Every specialist on our platform goes through a verification process, including ID and criminal record checks.

  • Personalized experience: With inDrive.Services, you have the reins. You can set and agree on the price and select the ideal specialist for your specific tasks.

Discover a convenient, swift, and efficient method of locating professionals to meet your needs with inDrive.Services.
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