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Cleaning in Шымкент (Чимкент)

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‘Cleaning’ in Шымкент (Чимкент)

Гүлім Т.

3 reviews
3 orders
ID verified
Уборка квартир и домов Генеральная уборка Влажная уборка Уборка после квартирантов Уборка после дезинфекции Уборка после ремонта Работаем на совесть Весь инвентарь средства приносим с собой
Гүлім сізге көп рақмет! Керемет таза етіп жинап берді! Келесіде міндетті түрде сізді шақырамын
Зауреш, 8 days ago

Нуршат А.

4 reviews
9 orders
ID verified
Опыт работы 5 лет,работаю на совесть,чисто,аккуратно
Девушки очень хорошо работают,чисто аккуратно быстро,не конфликтные,все аппараты для уборки есть,молодцы
Жанат Батырбеков, 3 days ago

Меруерт А.

8 reviews
11 orders
ID verified
Уборка квартира. после ремонт уборка эмуляция катать шкурка по краска сварка.уборка коттедж.окна помыть все инвентарь есть. Т.Д Бригада бар опыт работа 6 жыл уборка шкафа,чистка холодильника, чистка духовки,чистка балкона,чистка микраволновки, чистка штор,бари озимизден средство пылесос параген стремянка бар
Меруерт сізге көп рақмет таза тиянақты жинап бердіңіздер жұмысыңыз алға баса берсін
Гүлім Турғынғожа, 11 days ago
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'Cleaning' in Шымкент (Чимкент) city

What does a cleaning service in Shymkent typically cover?

A standard cleaning service in Shymkent generally includes tasks like sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, surface cleaning, bathroom cleaning, and may extend to kitchen and common area cleaning.

What tasks are not part of a standard cleaning service?

Services such as mowing grass, doing laundry, or ironing clothes are not usually included in a standard cleaning service. However, some professionals on the platform may offer these additional tasks upon arrangement.

What factors impact the cost of hiring a cleaner or housekeeper in Shymkent?

The pricing of cleaning services can be influenced by factors like the size and cleanliness level of the space, service frequency, the inclusion of extra tasks, and the experience of the cleaning professional.

Can I schedule a cleaning service for Sundays or holidays in Shymkent?

Сertain professionals on the platform can work on Sundays and holidays, offering flexibility to cater to your specific needs. Be sure to mention these details when placing a service order on inDrive to streamline your search for non-business day services.

Can multiple cleaning professionals be hired for larger spaces in Shymkent?

Certainly! If you have a sizable area or want to expedite the cleaning process, you can hire multiple professionals to collaborate. Ensure effective coordination between them for a successful cleaning operation.

What payment options are available for hiring a cleaner or housekeeper?

Payments are directly made to the chosen professional or cleaning company. Cash or electronic transactions are accepted, depending on the individual preferences of the service provider.

What precautions should I take when hiring a cleaning professional?

Prioritize checking the ratings and reviews of the cleaning professional from previous clients. Clearly communicate your expectations and specific needs to ensure the service is executed according to your preferences.

How far in advance should I book a cleaning service in Shymkent?

It's advisable to book a cleaning service in Shymkent at least a few days in advance to secure the availability of your preferred professional. This ensures better planning and coordination for a seamless cleaning experience.
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