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Plumbers in Атырау

How it
Average price for this service
 5,000 —  6,000
Average rating of specialists for this service
4.6 of 5
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‘Plumbers’ in Атырау


9 reviews
17 orders
ID verified
Установка унитазов, счётчиков, смесителей, стояков гор.и холод.воды, отопление, замена батарей и т.д. Опыт работы 20 лет
Мастер своего дело. Быстро, качественно. Видно человек с огромным багажом опыта.
Руслан ИмангалиевФ, 2 days ago

Халил Б.

166 reviews
222 orders
ID verified
Опыт работы с 2013 года .Ремонт стиральных машинок. Гарантия на оригинальные запчасти и на работу
Нужно было установить смеситель на раковине и слив. Приехал быстро, как и договаривались. Выполнил четко без лишних слов и эмоций.
Дана, 5 days ago

Куаныш Б.

142 reviews
216 orders
ID verified
Предлагаю услуги : Опытного Электрика-Сантехника Качественно, Электрика любой сложности. Установка Водонагреватель, Стиральной машины, Установка раковины,унитазов и Ванн А так Же замена смесителей и Сифонов! Ремонт и диагностика БЫТОВОЙ ТЕХНИКИ, а так же Сборка мебели любой сложности. Гарнитур спальный, Разборка и сборка аккуратно. УСЛУГИ КЛИНИНГА, Уборка Квартир.
Рахмет за весь спектр работ Куаныш. Буду Вас рекомендовать.
Назерке Кайраткызы, 4 days ago
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'Plumbers' in Атырау city

What services do plumbers in Atyrau provide through inDrive.Services?

Plumbers in Atyrau available through inDrive.Services offer a wide range of services, including installation and repair of plumbing equipment, sewer cleaning, leak repair, installation of water heaters, and much more.

Can I trust the plumbers represented on the inDrive.Services platform?

Yes, we thoroughly vet each plumber before they become available on our platform. This includes identity verification, professional experience, and recommendations from previous clients.

How can I hire a plumber through inDrive.Services?

The process of hiring a plumber through inDrive.Services is very simple:
  • Visit our website and select the "Repair and Construction" category, where you'll find the "Plumbers" service.

  • Fill out a brief form describing your issue so that verified professionals understand the task.

  • Submit your request and receive offers from experienced plumbers within minutes.

What are the average prices for plumbing services in Atyrau through inDrive.Services?

Prices for plumbing services may vary depending on the complexity of the work and the materials used. On average, prices range from 5000 to 15000 tenge per service.

Can I find a plumber for emergency calls through inDrive.Services?

Yes, many plumbers available on the inDrive.Services platform are ready to handle emergency calls and promptly address your issue.

What advantages does inDrive.Services offer when hiring a plumber?

Advantages include:
  • A fast and convenient process for hiring a plumber through our platform.

  • Reliability of plumbers verified by our registration system.

  • The ability to choose from various professionals based on reviews, ratings, profiles, and prices offered by plumbers.
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