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Plumbers in Шымкент (Чимкент)

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‘Plumbers’ in Шымкент (Чимкент)


9 reviews
17 orders
ID verified
Установка унитазов, счётчиков, смесителей, стояков гор.и холод.воды, отопление, замена батарей и т.д. Опыт работы 20 лет
Мастер своего дело. Быстро, качественно. Видно человек с огромным багажом опыта.
Руслан ИмангалиевФ, 2 days ago

Халил Б.

166 reviews
222 orders
ID verified
Опыт работы с 2013 года .Ремонт стиральных машинок. Гарантия на оригинальные запчасти и на работу
Нужно было установить смеситель на раковине и слив. Приехал быстро, как и договаривались. Выполнил четко без лишних слов и эмоций.
Дана, 5 days ago

Куаныш Б.

142 reviews
216 orders
ID verified
Предлагаю услуги : Опытного Электрика-Сантехника Качественно, Электрика любой сложности. Установка Водонагреватель, Стиральной машины, Установка раковины,унитазов и Ванн А так Же замена смесителей и Сифонов! Ремонт и диагностика БЫТОВОЙ ТЕХНИКИ, а так же Сборка мебели любой сложности. Гарнитур спальный, Разборка и сборка аккуратно. УСЛУГИ КЛИНИНГА, Уборка Квартир.
Рахмет за весь спектр работ Куаныш. Буду Вас рекомендовать.
Назерке Кайраткызы, 4 days ago
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'Plumbers' in Шымкент (Чимкент) city

What services can I expect from a plumber in Shymkent?

Plumbers in Shymkent offer a wide range of services, including repairs, installations, and maintenance for plumbing systems. From fixing leaks and clogs to installing new fixtures, our platform connects you with skilled professionals capable of handling various plumbing tasks.

How can I be assured that the plumbers in inDrive.Services are verified and trustworthy?

It's important to note that every professional on our platform undergoes a verification process, which includes identity and document verification before being accepted onto our platform.

How do I select a plumber in Shymkent through inDrive.Services?

To find a verified specialist on inDrive.Services follow these straightforward steps:
  • Fill out a brief form to provide specialists with information about your request. Specify the service type you require, date when you need a service and other useful information.

  • Within just 5 minutes*, you'll receive proposals from specialists.

  • Choose the most suitable specialist based on their ratings, reviews, portfolio, profile, and pricing.

  • Contact the selected specialist to discuss all the job details.

  • Receive the service. Once completed, mark it as finished and provide a rating for the specialist. This helps other customers make informed decisions when choosing a professional.

What services can I expect from a plumber in Shymkent?

Plumbers in Shymkent offer various services, including repairs, installations, and maintenance for plumbing systems. From fixing leaks and clogs to installing new fixtures, our platform connects you with skilled professionals capable of handling various plumbing tasks.

What precautions should I take when selecting a plumber?

To make an informed decision when selecting a plumber, consider these precautions:
  • Verify Qualifications: Ensure the plumber is adequately trained. You can request references or recommendations to gauge their experience.

  • Compare Proposals: Evaluate multiple proposals to find the best value for your money. Be cautious of excessively low rates, as they may signal a compromise in service quality.

  • Clarity on Scope and Costs: Ensure that the professional explains the scope of the work and that there are no hidden or unexpected costs.

What factors influence the price of plumbing services in Shymkent?

Several factors impact the pricing of plumbing services in Shymkent. Consider these factors for the best price-quality balance:
  • Job Complexity: Simple repairs are typically more affordable than extensive installations.

  • Location: High-cost-of-living areas may lead to higher rates. Emergencies may also incur additional costs.

  • Plumber's Experience: Plumbers with extensive experience and certifications may charge higher rates due to their advanced skills.
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