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Handyman in Шымкент (Чимкент)

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‘Handyman’ in Шымкент (Чимкент)

Дариман Д.

3 reviews
4 orders
ID verified
Опыт работы по мебели сборка разборка более 10 лет. Также грузоперевозки. Любые другие работы с инструментами. Качественно выполним свои любимые работы.
Очень аккуратно и быстро установил дверь , знает свою работу 👍 спасибо ребята
Асель, 1 day ago

Асланбек Т.

10 reviews
13 orders
ID verified
Подсобное работы опыт 15 лет
Өте жауапты. Уақытында келіп, отырғышымды жөндеп беріп кетті. Отырғыштың арқасын өзі қалаға алып кетіп, дәнекерлеп алып келді. Өз ісін ұқыпты жасайды.
Astart, 13 days ago

Ренат Ж.

37 reviews
59 orders
ID verified
Мастер на все руки. Помогу сделать все то что делается ручным трудом и не под силу другим. Работа по дереву, пластику, металу, стекловолокно и т.д Установка и вскрытие дверных замков и разной фурнитуры дома и на работе. Сборка (ремонт) различной мебели и механизмов любой сложности. Установка фильтров и сантехники, пайка пластиковых труб, водопровод, подключение алюминиевых и биметаллических радиаторов. Подключение, установка, диагностика и ремонт ( стиральных, сушильных и посудомоечных машин). Ремонт и пайка электроприборов, установка и замена розеток, люстр, светильников, подсветок. Установка и ремонт вентиляции. Работаю так же с броне защитными, солнце защитными и декоративными пленками, установка различного оборудования. Также занимаюсь автомобилями - восстановление дорогой оптики, полировка, защита кузова броне пленкой, шумоизоляция. Все что разбилось, поломалось всегда можно это сделать ! Ведь настоящий мужик должен уметь делать ВСЁ!!!
Работу выполнил быстро и качественно. Очень довольны! Рекомендую!
Карина, 8 days ago
A lot of highly rated specialists will see your order

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'Handyman' in Шымкент (Чимкент) city

What kinds of services can I order from a "handyman" in Shymkent?

You can order a wide range of services from a handyman, including but not limited to Home Repairs, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical Work, and others.

What benefits can I find hiring a handyman on inDrive.Services?

  • Simple Ordering Process: Simply fill out a form to provide details to specialists.

  • Rapid Responses: In just a mere 5 minutes*, you'll begin to receive initial suggestions from skilled professionals.

  • Informed Decision-Making: Select a specialist based on their ratings, reviews, previous projects, or pricing that suits your preferences.

  • Direct Control: You set the price or pick from various options when specialists present their quotes. Subsequently, you and the specialist engage in a direct conversation to iron out order specifics and haggle over the price, with no middleman from the platform. Payment directly transfers from the client to the specialist.

  • Verified Experts: Each specialist undergoes a rigorous screening process, including ID verification and documents checks.

How can I engage the services of a handyman in Shymkent through inDrive.Services?

  • Complete a brief form to initiate your service request.

  • In approximately 5 minutes*, you will begin receiving proposals from skilled professionals.

  • Choose the most suitable handyman based on their ratings, reviews, portfolios, and pricing.

  • Receive the order. And do not forget to rate the specialist's work.

Is it safe to hire a handyman through inDrive.Services?

Your safety is of utmost importance to us. All professionals on the inDrive.Services platform undergo a verification process, including identity and document verifications, to ensure your trust in the professionals you discover on our platform. To further bolster your confidence in these professionals, we offer a customer rating and review system for their services, providing you with comprehensive information for selecting the right professional.

Are the handymen in Shymkent available for emergency services outside of regular hours?

Yes, some of the handymen are available for emergency services outside of their regular working hours, providing greater flexibility to meet your needs. When scheduling the service, ensure you have the option to select a time that aligns with your schedule, including weekends and holidays.

What is the average price for handyman services in Shymkent?

The average price for handyman services in Shymkent can vary significantly depending on the specific services you require, the complexity of the tasks, and the experience of the handyman. Additionally, factors such as the location within Shymkent, the materials needed, and the duration of the work can impact the cost.
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