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Vehicle electricians in Алматы

152901 specialists
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‘Vehicle electricians’ in Алматы

Ханлар М.

27 reviews
70 orders
ID verified
Авто электрик стаж работы более 10 лет
быстро приехал все объяснил показал в чем проблема хороший специалист
Камиль Арупов, 1 month ago

Сергей Д.

33 reviews
53 orders
ID verified
Мелко срочные работы по дому, выездное сто, сантехник электрик, доставка, замена розеток,выключателей,смесителей,кранов,доставка заменяемого или ремонтного оборудования. РЭД,КРЕДИТ, РАССРОЧКА
Отличный парень👍 помог завести машину, разобрался нашел причину и оживил нашего коня! Обращайтесь не пожалеете !
Сауле Касенбаева, 1 month ago

Дмитрий О.

11 reviews
14 orders
ID verified
Диагностика, поиск неисправностей и устранение по электричеству. Обнаружение коротких замыканий и обрывов электропроводки. Замена и установка автоматов, узо, розеток, выключателей и т.д. Ремонт и подключение электроприборов и оборудования. Мелкий ремонт по дому. Опыт работы 17 лет. Качественно, не дорого.
Мастер своего дела. Большое спасибо. Были небольшие трудности, справился профессионально, ответственно. Будем обращаться еще. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💐💐💐
Саягул Жаркымбек, 22 days ago
152901 specialists in Алматы will see your order

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'Vehicle electricians' in Алматы city

What services do auto electricians offer in Almaty?

Auto electricians specialize in various common car electrical problems, including malfunctioning headlights and interior lights, issues with the cigarette lighter and electrical circuits, problems with windshield wipers, and car audio system issues. Additionally, many experts on the platform offer professional installation services, such as audio systems, alarms, and parking sensors.

How does inDrive.Services connect you with auto electrician experts?

inDrive.Services is a platform that connects specialized professionals in various services, including auto electricians, with clients in the city of Almaty. You can find electricians with experience in various services, from electrical repairs to servicing major components of the car, such as the engine, transmission, and suspension.

How does the payment process for services work on inDrive.Services?

To make the process as convenient as possible, you pay for services directly to the professional after receiving the service. Payment can be made in cash or using cards - you negotiate this directly with the master. inDrive.Services does not get involved in the payment process and does not charge you any commission.

Is it safe to hire an auto electrician online through inDrive.Services?

Customer safety is our priority. All professionals undergo a strict screening process during registration, including the verification of all necessary documents.

Why choose auto electrical services offered on inDrive.Services?

By choosing inDrive.Services, you opt for excellent quality auto electrical services in Almaty. The platform's policy brings together various expert options, simplifying your search and saving your time. Moreover, the platform's review system allows for a communal approach to selecting professionals.

Why is it more effective to trust a professional auto electrician rather than trying to fix the problem yourself?

Seeking assistance from a professional auto electrician is more cost-effective and safer than attempting to fix the problem yourself. Professionals meticulously check all circuits, identifying the exact cause of the malfunction. Additionally, computer diagnostics ensure accuracy in results, preventing unnecessary purchases of parts.
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