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Furniture dry cleaning in Алматы

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‘Furniture dry cleaning’ in Алматы

Серик К.

4 reviews
5 orders
ID verified
Обучался в Алматы Опыт работы один год. Очень нравится давать мебели вторую жизнь.
Я очень довольна работай Серика, быстро снял шторы постирал, развешал. Диван хорошо почистил. Хороший у него моющий пылесос для дивана. Чисто, быстро, хорошо 👍
Айгерим, 19 days ago

Айнамкоз М.

23 reviews
47 orders
ID verified
Делаю все виды уборки, влажный,после ремонт, помещения, коттедж, генеральный уборка,есть опыт. 1 ком уборка от 7000 тг 2 комнатный от 10000тг 3 комнатный 12000, 13000 тг 4 комнатный 16000 тг 5 комнат 20000 тг
Гүлжан, Айзада өз жұмыстарын адал таза атқарды, үлкен рақмет! Тимур диванымды тап таза қылып берді, қолы дерт көрмесін! Рахмет, қыздар! Табыстарың берекесін берсін!👍🙏🏻
Нургуль, 6 days ago
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'Furniture dry cleaning' in Алматы city

When it comes to furniture dry cleaning in Almaty, what types of furniture can I hire a specialist for on inDrive.Services?

You can hire a furniture dry cleaning specialist for items such as sofas, armchairs, chairs, beds, and more.

What is the difference between dry cleaning and water-based cleaning? Which method is more suitable for my furniture?

The main difference between dry cleaning and water-based cleaning lies in the amount of water used. Dry cleaning involves a minimal amount of water, using special agents. This method is more suitable for furniture that can be damaged by water or requires quick drying.

Is furniture dry cleaning truly effective?

Yes, professional furniture dry cleaning is indeed effective and provides satisfactory results. The products and techniques used in dry cleaning are designed to guarantee thorough cleaning, removal of mites, bacteria, and unwanted odors.

Is it necessary to leave the furniture in the sun after dry cleaning?

After dry cleaning furniture, there is no need to leave it in the sun. Since this process uses a minimal amount of water, drying occurs quickly and does not require prolonged exposure to sunlight.

What are the benefits of hiring a dry cleaning professional through inDrive.Services?

Hiring a dry cleaning professional through inDrive.Services provides several excellent benefits:
  • Quick and easy ordering process: Simply fill out a short form, and your request will be submitted. Within just 5 minutes*, you'll start receiving proposals from verified specialists.

  • You choose a specialist based on ratings, reviews, portfolio, and prices that match your requirements.

  • You can set a price you consider fair for the services you need.

Why is it safe to hire a furniture dry cleaning specialist in Almaty on the inDrive.Services platform?

It is safe to hire a specialist on inDrive.Services because all professionals undergo verification, including document checks. Additionally, the platform provides the convenience of direct price negotiations and payment, ensuring transparency and safety.

How is payment for furniture dry cleaning services handled on the inDrive.Services platform?

Payment for furniture dry cleaning services is made directly between the client and the specialist. During negotiations, the client and specialist can agree on the most convenient payment method for both parties. This approach, besides its practicality and cost-effectiveness, ensures safety and transparency in the hiring process.

How can I hire a furniture dry cleaning specialist on the inDrive.Services platform in Almaty?

To hire a furniture dry cleaning professional in Almaty on the inDrive.Services platform, follow these simple steps:
  • Choose the service you need - Furniture Dry Cleaning.

  • Fill out a brief form, providing details about the service you require.

  • After submitting the request, you'll start receiving proposals from specialists within 5 minutes*.

  • Review the offers, including the ratings, reviews, portfolios, and prices of specialists.

  • Choose the professional who best meets your needs and contact them to discuss the service details.
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