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Cleaning in Алматы

How it
Average price for this service
 10,000 —  20,000
Average rating of specialists for this service
4.2 of 5
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‘Cleaning’ in Алматы

Гүлім Т.

3 reviews
3 orders
ID verified
Уборка квартир и домов Генеральная уборка Влажная уборка Уборка после квартирантов Уборка после дезинфекции Уборка после ремонта Работаем на совесть Весь инвентарь средства приносим с собой
Гүлім сізге көп рақмет! Керемет таза етіп жинап берді! Келесіде міндетті түрде сізді шақырамын
Зауреш, 8 days ago

Нуршат А.

4 reviews
9 orders
ID verified
Опыт работы 5 лет,работаю на совесть,чисто,аккуратно
Девушки очень хорошо работают,чисто аккуратно быстро,не конфликтные,все аппараты для уборки есть,молодцы
Жанат Батырбеков, 3 days ago

Меруерт А.

8 reviews
11 orders
ID verified
Уборка квартира. после ремонт уборка эмуляция катать шкурка по краска сварка.уборка коттедж.окна помыть все инвентарь есть. Т.Д Бригада бар опыт работа 6 жыл уборка шкафа,чистка холодильника, чистка духовки,чистка балкона,чистка микраволновки, чистка штор,бари озимизден средство пылесос параген стремянка бар
Меруерт сізге көп рақмет таза тиянақты жинап бердіңіздер жұмысыңыз алға баса берсін
Гүлім Турғынғожа, 11 days ago
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'Cleaning' in Алматы city

What types of cleaning services can I find in Almaty through inDrive.Services?

In inDrive.Services, you can find a variety of cleaning services. Different cleaning specialists offer options such as standard cleaning, deep cleaning, pre-move cleaning, post-construction cleaning, and more. Whatever your cleaning needs are, we are here to connect you with trusted and experienced professionals.

Can I hire a cleaning company, not just an individual cleaner?

Yes, with inDrive.Services, you have the option to hire both an individual cleaner and a cleaning company. This means you can choose the option that best suits your needs and preferences. Cleaning companies often have trained teams and professional equipment to tackle more complex cleaning tasks.

What are the advantages of hiring a cleaning specialist in Almaty through inDrive.Services?

  • Hiring a cleaning specialist through inDrive.Services provides several significant advantages:
A simple and efficient hiring process. You just need to fill out a short form, providing details of your request to specialists.
Time and effort savings in your search. After placing your request, you will start receiving offers from verified specialists in as little as 7 minutes*.
Verified specialists. All specialists registered on inDrive.Services undergo rigorous checks, including document verification.
Additionally, you can choose a professional based on reviews, comments, and prices to ensure you find the best match for your specific needs.

How is the payment for cleaning handled on inDrive.Services?

Payment is made directly to the specialist or cleaning company you have chosen. There are no intermediaries in this transaction, giving you full control over the process.

Why is it safe to hire a cleaning specialist through inDrive.Services?

In inDrive.Services, your safety is our priority. All cleaning specialists registered on the platform undergo stringent checks, including document verification. This ensures that you are dealing with reliable masters. Furthermore, when choosing a specialist, you can rely on reviews, comments, and recommendations from previous clients.

How can I find the perfect cleaning specialist through inDrive.Services?

It's simple! Just follow these easy steps:
Choose the "Cleaning" service on the inDrive website or app.
Select the type of cleaning that your space requires.
Describe the details of your task.
Compare offers from different masters. You can make your choice based on ratings, reviews, the master's profile, or the proposed price.
Get the service and enjoy the cleanliness of your home.
Create an order and choose the suitable specialist

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